In 2016 we wanted to start an organization that would provide a safe space and community for Black software engineers. We called it Black Code Collective (BCC). Since BCC has come to fruition, many people have asked me why such a community is necessary; they ask why Black people don’t just join the tech groups that already exist. Here’s why we think it’s fundamental that we exist:
As Black people in corporate America, we are often one of a few Black people (if not the only Black person) in our workplaces. Reflective of our larger world, our work spaces are overwhelmingly started and run by white people, and this default brings about an unspoken burden for black people. We sometimes fear that if we make a misstep at work, it will trigger a bias of our peers or cause them to assume that we only have our position because of affirmative action or similar race quotas. With an organization like BCC, this stress is momentarily lifted from our shoulders. We are among individuals to whom we can relate and among whom we are more likely to ask questions.
Asking questions is a key way for all of us to learn and grow, but if we’re in an environment where we’re too nervous to ask questions, our growth can be stunted. Not only does this brief break from the reality of the workplace give minorities chances to ask questions and sharpen our skills, being told that a question isn’t stupid, and that someone else struggled with that same topic can be a sanity check. That support can inspire us to speak up when we’re back in our work environment.
Another tentacle of this beast is the fact that the life experiences of Black and white people can vary drastically. That sometimes makes the ideas that they value very different; particularly ideas that would solely target the Black community. Others may see little to no value in an idea because it’s not applicable to their lives. For example, having an app that would teach lesser known Black history facts. If a Black engineer had an idea like this, they could come to BCC, run the idea by us, and the idea could be nurtured and able to grow further. BCC members could not only provide the Black perspective, they can provide technical insight into the feasibility of the app as well.
In addition, these different life experiences can also leave a gap in mentoring connections. Minorities have certain work experiences that a white colleague will not, so it’s beneficial for us to have a support system to which we can turn for advice in these situations. It could be something as simple as how a Black woman wears her hair in the workplace. Some styles she may sport could be deemed “unprofessional” or “unkempt”. Having the support of someone who has experienced similar stress can be comforting, and allow for more in-depth advice.
Keeping in the Know
A lot of opportunities are awarded through nepotism and other forms of favoritism toward those in a particular network. It’s uncommon for many minorities to be in the know about these positions and, even if they do know, they can sometimes be overlooked because another candidate has an inside connection. BCC aims to help bridge this gap. We talk daily through Slack (an online chat communication application) to share opportunities that we each know about as well as to make connections through our networks when necessary.
In addition to sharing opportunities, we also share information about new technologies and have technical discussions. Conversations within a safe space such as this have several benefits. In software engineering, things change swiftly, so being in the know about new technologies is paramount. Other technical organizations also share information about new tools, but again, feeling comfortable enough to ask questions and have a dialogue is essential to being able to grow. Other than how useful a piece of software is, minority engineers may also find a product interesting simply because it was built by a fellow person of color or to serve communities of color. These tools typically aren’t shared within mainstream technical groups.
Negative stereotypes about black people are still prevalent in our society, and they can sometimes seep into our psyches. Being surrounded by intellectual minorities that are at a similar point in their career or even where we dream of being can be incredibly empowering. Black people rarely see representation of people that look like us, and that can sometimes be discouraging. Being reminded that there are folks like ourselves that are crushing obstacles and excelling can be the extra push that we need to keep going. Not to mention the possibility of setting our own example for the younger generation. We hope to provide a community that forever changes lives by encouraging advancement in the field of software development.
Written by Taylor Poindexter